Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Healthy Food Eating - How to Eat Healthy Tips and Tricks

Are you looking for ways to lose weight? If so a great way to start is by practicing healthy food eating. There are several healthy food eating tips that you can utilize in your weight loss journey. Below are a 5 of the best tips for weight loss success.

Healthy Food Eating

Don't eliminate your favorite foods. One of the biggest mistakes that people make when dieting is to eliminate their favorite foods. The problem with this is that you then feel deprived and are more likely to binge on these foods. If your favorite foods are high in fat just make sure that you eat them in moderation. For example if your favorite food is ice cream indulge your cravings occasionally, just make sure to only eat one serving. This way you don't feel deprived and you're not eating the whole container.

Slowly balance your food choices. This means that not every meal is going to be completely healthy so don't worry about it too much. If you are eating something high in fat complement it with a healthier choice. If you have a day that you don't eat enough from a certain food group make up for it the next day. Just make sure that your overall diet is a healthy well balanced one. Don't beat yourself up over the occasional unhealthy choice.

Know your bad food choices. If you're not sure where you're going wrong with your diet, keep a food journal for a week. Then cross check it with these tips. If you find that you are missing several servings of veggies make sure that you work on adding more. If you are using a lot of mayo or salad dressing cut back. You should also try low fat versions of these foods.

Make changes slowly. Most people that try to change their diet too quickly will fail and fall back into bad eating habits. Instead make changes gradually over a longer period of time. Start with small things like adding more fruits and veggies. If you drink whole milk try two percent, eventually you should work your way to one percent or skim. Making changes gradually will help you to become use to eating healthy. This will make a healthy diet a lifestyle rather then just another diet that failed.

Don't label foods as good and bad. Don't make yourself feel guilty because you can't live without cookies, ice cream, or chips. These foods aren't bad if you eat them in moderation. Giving yourself allowances is going to make your success that much more likely. Just remember that if you eat some cookies just make sure that you balance it out with healthy foods through out the day.

Eating healthy should be a lifestyle not just a diet. By following these 10 tips to healthy eating and staying positive you can learn how to choose healthy foods as part of a well balanced healthy diet.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Four Foods to Avoid During Weight Loss!

If you have decided to indulge yourself in an effective weight loss program, it is necessary to put in all the required efforts to reach the success you yearn for. When you are fully focused on the specific weight loss plan you've designed, there may be some unwanted foods entering your diet that could lead to unpleasant results.


If you are not aware of your dietary habits, you could be eating foods that are reducing the progress instead of helping it. These foods could reverse the outcome expected from an effective weight loss program to a negative one. The top four foods which destroy weight loss efforts are listed below.

1. Low Fat Yogurt

The much popular low fat yogurt is not that beneficial as it seems because its varieties have been proven to be unhealthy. It causes blood glucose levels to vary abnormally. It is advisable to choose Greek yogurt, which has higher protein content and lower sugar level that does not affect the blood glucose levels to a great extent.

Also, Greek yogurt contains many beneficial probiotics as it is packed with calcium and natural bacterial cultures. It is a smart choice for people who believe that a low-carbohydrate diet would result in a successful weight loss program.

2. Cereal Bars

The second food that should be avoided as much as possible, is the cereal bar. Cereal bars are quite artificial and lack the required amount of nutrients. The coconut is used as an additive sweetener which contains a heavy dose of fat per serving, hence, harmful for the body. These bars do not provide the sufficient nutrients required for your muscles to repair and build themselves.

Home-made granola bars would be preferable than buying harmful cereal bars from your local stores. The beauty of these granola bars is the option of creating a high energy snack by carefully selecting your ingredients and omitting excess sugars.

3. Bran Cereal

Eating a bowl of bran cereal early in morning is very common among people but its harmful effects are frequently ignored. The problem with bran cereal is that it contains far too much sugar that has a very negative effect in your weight loss program. Thus, it would be preferred if oatmeal is consumed instead of bran cereal.

The general public dislike eating oatmeal due to its mild taste. However, it is important to note that a bowl of oatmeal a day can reduce the cholesterol level and lower the risk of heart disease. This is because of its soluble fibre content as well as the beta-glucan in the oats.

4. Frozen Dinners

Many people fancy frozen dinners because of the portion control they'll offer, but it is true that they contain very little fiber and protein, hence do not contribute to a balanced diet. Frozen foods also contain an unacceptably high level of salt which can increase the risk of high blood pressure.

If frozen dinner is added to your diet plan, then it will be a good idea to toss in some grilled chicken and vegetables for extra protein and carbohydrates. This ensures that your body has a well-balanced meal.

It is essential to skim through your diet plan and see if any of these foods are present that could be the reason for not achieving the results you're going for. It is also beneficial to examine all the items on your plate before consuming them because your daily meals play a big role in your weight loss program.

Now that you understand what I am saying, I have a special time limited bonus for you. A few months back, I accidentally discovered a Chinese Weight Loss manual in my grandmother's antique box.

This is a family heritage that has been passed down for 3 generations to the women in the family so that they can practice this routine and continue on the family tradition.

The contents were written in traditional Chinese characters and it took me almost forever to have it translated properly. This "special" weight loss document contains meal plans which are easy to follow that will guarantee you to lose 10 lbs over the weekend.

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Friday, July 1, 2016

2000 Calorie Diet Menu and Meal Plan

The 2000 calorie diet plan limits a person's daily intake of food to 2000 calories. This is almost close to the normal amount of calories a person consumes in a day. But the difference between a 2000 calorie diet plan and a normal everyday eating is that the 2000 calories from a diet plan come chiefly from fruits, vegetables, nuts and other nutritional food stuff rather than from foods that contain saturated fats. Following the 2000 calorie diet will keep you hale, healthy, energetic and brisk. With this 2000 calorie meal plan, your odds of reducing your weight and maintaining it at the desired level is more because you don't have to worry about adjusting calories and food stuffs after the weight is lost. Against normal conceptions, a healthy diet like this can also be very tasty and so sticking to the diet plan will not be a difficult task at all. Consequently all the pieces those are required to achieve a healthy weight loss and to maintain a perfect body shape fall into their places correctly with the 200 calorie diet plan.

2000 Calorie Diet

Sample 2000 calorie diet plans:

In general terms, a 2000 calorie diet plan can be made up using two servings from the fruit group, seven servings from the grain group, eight servings from the vegetable group, three servings from the dairy group and eight servings from the meat and bean group. This comes to around six ounces of grains, two and a half cups of vegetables, two cups of fruits, five and half ounces of meat and beans, three cups of milk and six tea spoons full of oil. In a 2000 calorie meat plan, you should limit the sugar intake, avoid trans fats, eat lots of whole grains, limit the intake of saturated fats by consuming mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats. Moreover around 20% to 35% of your calorie intake per day should come from dairy products. Now we will have a look at two simple, tasty 2000 calorie diet plans which will give you an idea of how the actual diet must be framed.

Sample Diet 1:


Two scrambled eggs, two slices of bacon, two slices of whole wheat grain toast, a single cup of skimmed milk and one serving of jam and preserves will make the ideal breakfast for a 2000 calorie diet plan.

Morning Snack:

The morning snack can be anything of your choice but the total calorie content of your morning snack should be around 100 calories.


You can dine on anything you like as long as the total calorie count for lunch comes around 450 calories. Three crunchy tacos would be an excellent choice for lunch.

Afternoon Snack:

Enjoy any dairy product for an afternoon snack. Low fat cottage cheese, low fat cheese and low fat yoghurt are a few suggestions. Just a keep an eye on the calorie content so that it does not exceed 110 calories.


Three ounces of steak (oven roasted, grilled or pan roasted), a small baked potato, margarine, half a cup of beans (baked), whole grain bread and a mixed salad made of lettuce or spinach with a little lemon, a table spoon of shredded cheese, a slice of tomato and cucumber and a 60 calorie salad dressing of your choice.

Bedtime Snack:

You can have a bedtime snack of a cup of skimmed milk blended with half a cup of strawberries.

Sample Diet 2:

Breakfast: (570 calories)

Omelet from three egg whites and one yolk with chopped onions and garlic, two slices of whole wheat bread with jam, natural fat-free yogurt and a small piece of fruit. This will make up the mouth watering breakfast for a 2000 calorie diet plan.

Lunch: (530 calories)

Lunch comprises of chicken pasta salad, four tablespoons of whole wheat pasta and fruit juice worth 90 calories.

Snack: (200 calories)

Two slices of malt loaf with a thin smear of butter.

Dinner: (800 calories)

Chili Con Carne, salad with light dressing, and one small low-fat fruit trifle.

Whatever the diet you follow make sure that you drink lots of fluids. Water is the best option to keep your body hydrated. You can also drink liberal amounts of green tea and other zero calorie beverages. Always say a strict no for alcohol, coke and even diet coke. Drinking a lot of calorie less fluids cleanses your body of all toxins and it keeps your body's metabolism ticking.

This 2000 calorie diet plan does not supply very low calories like other diet plans and hence are considerably trustworthy to follow. But it is always safe to consult with your doctor or dietician and tell them about your diet plans and get their approval of the same before you start with your diet. This will put your mind at ease as you will be sure that you are headed on the right path. Happy Dieting!

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